Éjjel érkező hidegfront, zivatarrendszerrel, esetleg szupercellával
Neofita, 2016, július 31 - 13:58Összegzés
Category 1 has been issued for the next one and a half day because, along and slightly ahead of a cold front, there is a chance that some thunderstorms develop causing severe events: flash floods, severe wind gusts and hail up to 2-3 cm. The convective mode is expected to be mainly multicellular, but the appearance of some isolated supercells cannot be ruled out.
Gyenge "hidegfront" villámárvizekkel
devilstorm21, 2016, július 27 - 21:30Érvényes: 2016.07.28. 0:00 UTC - 2016.07.29. 06:00 UTC
Valid: 2016.07.28. 0:00 UTC - 2016.07.29. 06:00 UTC
A weak cold front will reach Hungary which may cause widespread thunderstorm activity (multicellular TS clusters and/or organised stormsystem (MCS) are possible during the day, mainly in the heart of the country). Because of the very moist vertical profile the main threat is the excessive precipitation which may cause flash floods.
Légtömegen belüli zivatarok, villámárvíz esélyével IV.
Neofita, 2016, július 27 - 10:07Az időjárási helyzet alappillérei továbbra is változatlanok, így a vasárnapra kiadott előrejelzés továbbra is érvényben van ( http://szupercella.hu/Legtomegen_beluli_zivatarok_villamarviz_eselyevel_... ). Ebben várhatóan holnapi napon fog változás bekövetkezni, amikor elér minket nyugat felől egy gyenge hidegfront.
Légtömegen belüli zivatarok, villámárvíz esélyével III.
devilstorm21, 2016, július 26 - 08:02Az időjárási helyzetkép nagyon hasonlít az elmúlt napokhoz, amelyet külön így nem részletezünk, az alábbi linken olvasható:
As the past few days, today we also expect slow-propagating multicell or pulse-type storms with the threat of flash floods. The storms can develop almost everywhere.
Légtömegen belüli zivatarok, villámárvíz esélyével II.
kkorneel7, 2016, július 24 - 23:48Az időjárási helyzetkép nagyon hasonlít a tegnapi naphoz, amelyet külön így nem részletezünk, az alábbi linken olvasható:
As yesterday, today we also expect slow-propagating multicell or pulse-type storms with the threat of flash floods. The storms can develop almost everywhere, but mainly in the western part of the country (and between the Duna and Tisza, according to the ECMWF).
Légtömegen belüli zivatarok, villámárvíz esélyével, több napon keresztül
szupercella.hu, 2016, július 24 - 01:50Összegzés
Deja vu
szupercella.hu, 2016, július 17 - 02:11Összefoglalás
Category 0 has been issued due to the chance that some convective cells may form today. Mini supercells are also probable, but without any severe threats. In the southern part of Hungary, near the center of the cyclone, non-mesocyclonic funnels (or even tornadoes) can develop mainly in the afternoon. Category 0 was chosen because of the high uncertainty generated by the cyclone motion.
Készítette: katabogár és Neofita
Keleten, délen helyenként felhőszakadást okozó konvekció, akár nem-mezociklonális tuba vagy tornádó
Neofita, 2016, július 16 - 00:10Érvényes: 2016. 07. 17. 08:00
Category 0 has been issued due to the chance that some convective cells may form today in the eastern part of Hungary producing excessive rain falls. Marginal supercells are also probable, but without any severe threats (except heavy rainfalls). In the southern part of Hungary, near the center of the cyclone, non-mesocyclonic funnels (or even tornadoes) can develop mainly in the afternoon. Category 0 was chosen because of the high uncertainty generated by the cyclone motion.
Keleten további szupercellák (MKR)
devilstorm21, 2016, július 13 - 14:36Érvényes: 2016.07.14. 08:00 UTC - 2016.07.14. 20:00 UTC
Valid: 2016.07.14. 08:00 UTC - 2016.07.14. 20:00 UTC
We issued Category 1 mainly because of the possibilitly of few severe supercells (eastern parts of the country) which may cause locally severe wind gusts (>90 km/h), hail (3-4 cm diameter) and high amount of precipitation (>40 mm). A MCS cannot be ruled out which may cause flash floods.
Kiterjedt konvekció (szupercellák, squall line-ok) jó néhány helyen heves eseményekkel
kkorneel7, 2016, július 13 - 07:10Érvényes: 2016. 07. 14. 08:00
Category 2 has been issued because we expect widespread convection from the late afternoon till morning accompanied by severe events in several places. Supercell convection and larger squall lines are probable with wind gusts up to 120 km/h. Larger hail can also fall from these cells, the expected maximum diameter is 3-4 cm. The convective systems can produce excessive rainfall over large areas, and, in some places, flash floods, as well.